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Tests of petroleum products and working fluids

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Viscosity and viscosity index

Viscosity is one of the basic parameters quantifying the quality of a lubricating oil; its value changes during usage as a result of – among other factors – oil degradation, wear of functional additives within the oil or the presence of contamination. Designated on the basis of viscosity, the viscosity index is one of the important parameters of oil classification, describing the temperature dependency of the oil’s viscosity. In the case of diesel fuel, the viscosity influences the degree of fuel atomisation and the quality of its combustion, as well as the fuel’s lubricating properties.


  • Herzog HVM 472 – Multirange Viscometer
  • Cannon Mini AV-X – Single-bath Viscometer


  • PN-EN ISO 3104
  • ASTM D445
  • ISO 2909
  • ASTM D2270
Wielozakresowy wiskozymetr Herzog HVM 472

Total acid number and total base number

Potentiometric titration methods allowing the determination of the so-called total acid number (TAN) and total base number (TBN) provide information on an oil’s ability to neutralise acidic products of degradation or combustion – and thus on the oil’s usefulness for further use.


  • Mitsubishi GT200
  • Aquamax TAN
  • Mettler-Toledo G20
  • Mettler-Tolledo T50


  • ASTM D4739 (TBN)
  • ASTM D664 (TAN)
  • PN ISO 3771 (TBN)
  • PN-C-04049 (TAN i TBN)

Fuel content in engine oils

Tests of fuel content in engine oils are important in order to identify potential faults in the engine. Such tests are realised mainly via the gas chromatography method, however, usage of the infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) method is also possible.


  • Agilent 7820A gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID)
  • Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer


  • ASTM D3524
  • ASTM D3525
  • DIN 51380
  • DIN 51454
  • ASTM E2412

Soot content in engine oils

The presence of soot significantly affects the properties of engine oils, causing – among other effects – increases in viscosity. Soot content is one of the key parameters determined during tests of used engine oils from compression ignition engines.


  • Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer


  • DIN 51452
  • ASTM E2412
  • ASTM D7844

Determination of the degree of oxidation and nitration

Engine oil in contact with exhaust gas degrades. Determination of the degree of nitration and oxidation in used engine oils allows the oil’s condition to be monitored.


  • Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer


  • ASTM E2412
  • ASTM D7414
  • ASTM D7624

Determination of glycol content in engine oil

The presence of glycol in engine oil indicates leaks in the engine cooling system. It is one of the parameters frequently tested for used engine oils. Testing according to BOSMAL’s method consists of glycol extraction to the aqueous phase from the engine oil sample, followed by determination of the glycol content (% m/m) via the chromatographic method.

In the picture: Agilent 7820A gas chromatograph

Glycol content can also be determined via the infrared spectroscopy method (FTIR).


  • Agilent 7820A gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID)
  • Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR spectrometer


  • Tests are conducted according to in-house testing instructions and, among others, the ASTM E2412 norm.

Flash point

Precise determination of the flash-point of petroleum products, biodiesel, paints and varnishes in the range of 40 to 200°C.
The flash-point describes a product’s tendency to create a flammable mixture with air. This quality is important from the substance transport point of view and allows its classification. In the case of engine oils tests, it can also indicate the potential for oil dilution by fuel to occur.


  • OptiFlash Pensky Martens; Pensky-Martens flash-point determination automatic apparatus


  • PN-EN ISO 2719
  • ASTM D93

Dropping point

A lubricating oil’s dropping point (temperature) is the lowest temperature at which the lubricating oil starts to take the liquid form.


  • Dropping point temperature determination apparatus


  • PN-C-04139

Lubricating oil penetration

Lubricating oil penetration is a basic parameter used in the evaluation and classification of lubricating oils.


  • Tuninetto penetration testing apparatus


  • PN ISO 2137

Free organic base and acid content

Determination of free organic base and acid content is conducted via the titration method.


  • PN-C-04152

Saponification number

Saponification number determination is conducted via the potentiometric titration method.


  • Mitsubishi GT200 automatic titrator


  • PN ISO 6293-2


Density is one of the basic fuel quality parameters, allowing different types of fuels to be differentiated.


  • PN-EN ISO 3675

Benzene content

Benzene content in petrol is subject to limits, due to its carcinogenic effects. Determination of this parameter is conducted using, among others, the infrared spectroscopy method (FTIR).


  • Thermo Scieintific Nicolet 6700 FTIR Spectrometer


  • PN-EN ISO 238

Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) content

Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) are the basic biocomponent of diesel. Determination of FAME content is conducted using the infrared spectroscopy method.


  • Thermo Scieintific Nicolet 6700 FTIR Spectrometer


  • PN-EN 14078

Fractional composition

Distillation characteristics is one of the basic parameters for classifying fuels. Low-boiling fractions influence engine startability. Medium-boiling fractions influence the viscosity and density of the fuel, as well as the quality of engine running, while high-boiling fractions influence exhaust emissions and the formation of carbonaceous deposits.


  • OptiDist automatic fractional composition determination apparatus


  • PN-EN ISO 3405

Resin content

This parameter characterises a fuel’s propensity to form viscous/sticky deposits on fuel system elements. Resin determination is based on fuel evaporation in an air stream (jet).


  • resin in fuel determination apparatus


  • PN-EN ISO 6246

pH level

The production process, storage and usage of working fluids and petroleum products can cause the presence of unneutralised substances of acidic or basic nature. The pH level is tested in an aqueous sample after acid and base extraction with distilled water, or directly.


  • pH meter
  • Mitsubishi GT200 automatic titrator


  • PN-C-04064 (engine fuels)
  • PN-C-40008-04 (cooling fluids)
  • PN-C-40005 p.5.6 (brake fluids)

Corrosion test

A copper strip corrosion test delivers information on the presence of undesirable compounds in fuels, which can cause corrosion of the fuel delivery system and engine elements. During the test, a copper plate which has been in contact with the fuel for a designated time and at a designated temperature is subjected to visual evaluation.


  • PN-EN ISO 2160


The colour of the tested product often identifies the product and can indicate its origin.


  • PN-C-40005 p.5.2 (brake fluids)
  • others

Boiling point

Determination of the boiling point of working fluids provides information on their concentration or the presence of water.


  • Tuninneto boiling point determination apparatus


  • PN-C-40008-03 (coolant fluids)
  • PN-C-40005 p.5.3 (brake fluids)
  • others.

Thermal stability

This test consists of a determination of the change in boiling temperature of brake fluid caused by long-term exposure to elevated temperature


  • Tuninneto boiling point determination apparatus


  • PN-C-40005 p.5.7

Evaporation potential

The mass lost after evaporation of volatile brake fluid components at 100ºC is determined.


  • PN-C-40005 p.5.10

Residue after combustion

Residue after combustion is one of the parameters allowing the determination of the presence of harmful contaminants in petroleum products and working fluids.


  • PN-C-40008-02
  • ASTM D2270 – Standard Practice for Calculating Viscosity Index from Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C and 100°C
  • ASTM D3525 – Standard Test Method for Gasoline Diluent in Used Gasoline Engine Oils by Gas Chromatography
  • ASTM D445 – Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids
  • ASTM D4739 (TBN) – Standard Test Method for Base Number Determination by Potentiometric Hydrochloric Acid Titration
  • ASTM D664 (TAN) – Standard test method for ACID number of petroleum products by potentiometric titration
  • ASTM D7624 – Standard Test Method for Condition Monitoring of Nitration in In-Service Petroleum and Hydrocarbon-Based Lubricants by Trend Analysis Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometry
  • ASTM D7844 – Standard Test Method for Condition Monitoring of Soot in In-Service Lubricants by Trend Analysis using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometry
  • ASTM D93 – Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester
  • ASTM E2412 – Standard Practice for Condition Monitoring of Used Lubricants by Trend Analysis Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometry
  • DIN 51380 – Testing of lubricants – Test for fuel diluent in used automotive engine oils – Gas chromatography method
  • DIN 51452 – Testing of lubricants; determination of the soot content in used Diesel engine oils; infrared spectrometry
  • DIN 51454 – Testing of lubricants – Determination of low boiling components in used engine oils – Gas chromatography
  • PN ISO 2137 – Przetwory naftowe i środki smarowe – Oznaczanie stożkiem penetracji smarów plastycznych i petrolatum
  • PN ISO 2909 – Przetwory naftowe – Obliczanie wskaźnika lepkości na podstawie lepkości kinematycznej
  • PN ISO 3771 (TBN) – Przetwory naftowe – Oznaczanie liczby zasadowej – Metoda potencjometrycznego miareczkowania kwasem nadchlorowym
  • PN ISO 6293-2 – Produkty naftowe – Oznaczanie liczby zmydlenia – Część 2: Metoda miareczkowania potencjometrycznego
  • PN-C-04049 (TAN i TBN) – Przetwory naftowe – Oznaczanie liczby kwasowej i liczby zasadowej metodą miareczkowania potencjometrycznego
  • PN-C-04064 – Przedmiotem normy jest oznaczanie odczynu wyciągu wodnego produktów naftowych, pozostałości po destylacji i dodatków. Oznaczanie wykonuje się dwoma sposobami: A – pehametrycznie i B – wizualnie. (paliwa silnikowe)
  • PN-C-04139 – Przetwory naftowe – Oznaczanie temperatury kroplenia smarów plastycznych
  • PN-C-04152 – Przetwory naftowe – Oznaczanie zawartości wolnych zasad i wolnych kwasów organicznych w smarach stałych
  • PN-C-40005 p.5.10 – Płyny hamulcowe do pojazdów silnikowych – Odparowanie płynu hamulcowego
  • PN-C-40005 p.5.6 – Płyny hamulcowe do pojazdów silnikowych – Odczyn (wartość pH) Zakres: 3 – 12
  • PN-C-40005 p.5.7 – Płyny hamulcowe do pojazdów silnikowych – Stabilność termooksydacyjna
  • PN-C-40008-02 – Płyny niskokrzepnące do układów chłodzenia silników spalinowych – Pozostałość po spopieleniu
  • PN-C-40008-04 – Płyny niskokrzepnące do układów chłodzenia silników spalinowych – Oznaczanie pH (płyny chłodzące)
  • PN-EN 14078 – Ciekłe przetwory naftowe – Oznaczanie zawartości estrów metylowych kwasów tłuszczowych (FAME) w średnich destylatach – Metoda spektrometrii w podczerwieni
  • PN-EN ISO 2160 – Przetwory naftowe – Korodujące działanie na miedź – Badanie na płytce miedzianej
  • PN-EN ISO 238 – Ciekłe przetwory naftowe – Benzyna – Oznaczanie zawartości benzenu metodą spektrometrii w podczerwieni
  • PN-EN ISO 2719 – Oznaczanie temperatury zapłonu – Metoda zamkniętego tygla Pensky’ego-Martensa
  • PN-EN ISO 3104 – Przetwory naftowe – Ciecze przezroczyste i nieprzezroczyste – Oznaczanie lepkości kinematycznej i obliczanie lepkości dynamicznej
  • PN-EN ISO 3405 – Przetwory naftowe – Oznaczanie składu frakcyjnego metodą destylacji pod ciśnieniem atmosferycznym
  • PN-EN ISO 3675 – Ropa naftowa i ciekłe przetwory naftowe – Laboratoryjne oznaczanie gęstości – Metoda z areometrem
  • PN-EN ISO 6246 – Przetwory naftowe – Zawartość żywic w paliwach – Metoda odparowania w strumieniu

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