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PEMS – testing exhaust emissions under real driving conditions and from Non-Road Mobile Machinery under actual operating conditions

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PEMS – testing exhaust emissions from Light Duty Vehicles (LDV) and Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) under real driving conditions and from Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) under actual operating conditions – introduction

Emission testing of vehicles and non-road mobile machinery under real driving / actual operating conditions using Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS):

Light Duty Vehicles (passenger cars and light commercial vehicles) – Real Driving Emission testing (RDE) – Type approval (TA) and In-Service Conformity (ISC)

Passenger cars and light commercial vehicles emission testing using Portable Emission Measurement System (PEMS)

Chassis dyno validation of PEMS installation:

Real Driving Emissions (RDE) testing:

RDE route requirements (for Euro 6e):

The trip shall consist of urban driving, followed by rural and motorway driving

Trip Distance Shares
Percentage share29 – 44%23 – 43%23 – 43%
Trip Composition Requirements
Time90 – 120 min
Distance≥ 16 km≥ 16 km≥ 16 km
Speed Requirements
Average Speed15 – 40 km/h
Ambient Conditions Requirements
Moderate altitude conditions0 – 700 m a.s.l.
Extended altitude conditions700 – 1300 m a.s.l.
Moderate temperature conditions0 – 35 °C
Extended temperature conditions-7 – 0 °C and 35 – 38 °C
GPS-Related Requirements
Absolute total trip distance deviation≤ 4%
GPS signal invalid (maximum continuous period)≤ 120 s
GPS signal invalid (total duration)≤ 300 s
Elevation Requirements
Altitude difference between trip start and end points≤ 100 m
Altitude reading difference (GPS vs topographic map)≤ 40 m
Cumulative positive elevation gain (total trip)< 1200 m/100 km
Cumulative positive elevation gain (urban)< 1200 m/100 km
Stop Requirements
First idling duration≤ 15 s
Longest stop duration≤ 300 s
Stop share (Urban part)≥ 6% and ≤ 30%
PEMS margins

Testing route in Poland – Bielsko-Biała area:

Heavy duty vehicles emission testing using Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS) – In-use emission testing – Type approval (TA) and In-Service Conformity (ISC)

HD route requirements (for Euro VI step E):

The trip shall consist of urban driving followed by rural and motorway driving according to the following time shares (tolerance: ±5 percentage points)

Vehicle CategoryUrbanRuralMotorway
M1, N134%33%33%
N2, M2 class B, M3 class III45%25%30%
M2 class A, M3 class I/II70%30%0%
Urban, rural and motorway parts can be determined either on the basis of:
Geographical coordinates (from a map)The vehicle should not exceed the following speeds for more than 5% of the duration of the applicable trip part: 50 km/h in the urban part; 75 km/h in the rural part (90 km/h for M1 and N1)
First acceleration methodThe first acceleration to a speed above 55 km/h (70 km/h for M1, N1) indicates the beginning of the rural part
The first acceleration to a speed above 75 km/h (90 km/h for M1, N1) indicates the beginning of the motorway part
Trip compositionUrbanRuralMotorway
Average speed15-30 km/h45-70 km/h>70 km/h
(60-90 M1, N1)(>90 for M1, N1)

Non-Road Mobile Machinery emission testing using Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS) – In-service emission testing – In-Service Monitoring (ISM)

Operation requirements:

Measurement is based on the concept of working and non-working operating events

Emission testing to be performed on engines (Stage V) installed in non-road mobile machinery:
Procedure to determine working and non-working operating events:
Only working events are used for calculations of emissions of gaseous pollutants (and conformity factors)Any event considered a non-working event is not taken into account for calculations of emissions
Non-working events shall be categorised as:
Short non-working events of duration ≤ D2Long non-working events of duration > D2
Non-working events:
Where engine power is < 10% of the maximum net engine powerDuring cold start
Where ambient conditions do not fulfil the requirementsWhere checks of the measurement instruments take place

Measurement equipment: Portable Emissions Measurement System – PEMS

The system is designed to measure emissions from all types of on-road vehicles (light duty and heavy duty) under real driving conditions, as well as from non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) during its actual operation.
BOSMAL has at its disposal 3 portable exhaust measurement systems made by the well-known global suppliers AVL and HORIBA. PEMS systems measure gaseous components and particle number (PN23 & PN10).

1. AVL M.O.V.E system:

  • GAS PEMS 493 gas analyser module
    • THC: 0 – 30000 ppmC1
    • NO: 0 – 5000 ppm
    • NO2: 0 – 2500 ppm
    • CO: 0 – 5 vol%
    • CO2: 0 – 20 vol%
  • PN PEMS iS 496 particle counting system
    • PN: 0 – 2·107 #/cm3
  • System control
  • E-Box
  • Extension Box
  • EFM 495 exhaust flow meter module
    • Flow range: 0 – 45 m3/min
  • Pitot flow meters, diameters: 2”, 2.5”, 3”, 4”, 5”
  • Weather station
  • GPS module
  • OBD adapter

2. HORIBA OBS ONE GS12 PN23 system:

  • OBS ONE-GS-GA gas analyser module
    • NO: 0 – 3000 ppm
    • NOx: 0 – 3000 ppm
    • CO: 0 – 10 vol%
    • CO2: 0 – 20 vol%
  • OBS-ONE-GS-FA THC analyser module
    • THC: 0 – 10000 ppmC1
  • OBS-ONE-PN23 particle counting system
    • PN: 0 – 5·107 #/cm3
  • OBS-ONE-CC computer control unit
  • OBS-ONE-PE power exchange unit
  • OBS-ONE-PS power supply unit
  • OBS-ONE-PF Pitot flow module
  • Pitot flow meters, types: BL, CL, EH, FH, GH
    • Flow range: 0 – 45 m3/min
  • Weather station
  • GPS module
  • OBD adapter

3. HORIBA OBS ONE GS12 PN10 system:

  • OBS ONE-GS-GA analyser module
    • NO: 0 – 3000 ppm
    • NOx: 0 – 3000 ppm
    • CO: 0 – 10 vol%
    • CO2: 0 – 20 vol%
  • OBS-ONE-GS-FA THC analyser module
    • THC: 0 – 10000 ppmC1
  • OBS-ONE-PN10 particle counting system
    • PN: 0 – 5·107 #/cm3
  • OBS-ONE-CC computer control unit
  • OBS-ONE-PE power exchange unit
  • OBS-ONE-PS power supply unit
  • OBS-ONE-PF Pitot flow module
  • Pitot flow meters, types: DH, EH, FH
    • Flow range: 0 – 30 m3/min
  • Weather station
  • GPS module
  • OBD adapter


  • A. Light Duty Vehicles (LDV):
    • Regulation (EC) 692/2008 with amendments up to and including Regulation (EU) 2018/1832
    • Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 with amendments up to and including Regulation (EU) 2023/443
  • B. Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV):
    • UNECE Regulation No. 49
    • Regulation (EC) 595/2009 with amendments up to and including Regulation (EU) 2019/1242
    • Regulation (EU) 582/2011 with amendments up to and including Regulation (EU) 2022/2383
    • Regulation (EU) 2017/2400 with amendments up to and including Regulation (EU) 2022/1379
  • C. Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM):
    • Regulation (EU) 2016/1628, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2022/992
    • Regulation (EU) 2017/654, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2021/1398
    • Regulation (EU) 2017/655, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2022/2387
    • Regulation (EU) 2018/985, as amended by Regulation (EU) 2022/518

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